Friday, February 7, 2014

Answering Questions from Week 4!


I know the week is almost over, but I had a couple more students submit questions, and I wanted to share with you their questions and the answers before the wikiendi!


David, a fifth grader at Seward Elementary asked:
What the students studied in school besides their English class?

Secondary school students (which is what Tanzanians say instead of high school) learn:
English, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, History, Kiswahili, French, Geography, and Civics...although French is taught in only some parts of the country. 

It's a lot of things to be learning, and a lot of notebooks for all of the students to keep track of! Luckily, they can keep some of their notebooks in their desks so they don't have to carry them home every day. 

Madison, another fifth-grader at Seward Elementary, was wondering how Tanzanians travel around. How do they get to the hospital or other places?

That's a great question! It really depends on where you live. If you are in rural areas, most people just walk or ride a bicycle if they have one. Usually, you also know someone who owns a motorcycle, and you can call them to bring you somewhere. 

If you are in a larger village or town, there will be motorcycle taxis, taxi cars, or vans that you can take to get from one town to the next. There are also big buses that take people to different parts of the country!

My favorite way to get around was to take a motorcycle taxi!

One of our motorcycle taxi rides...I'm in the middle of my roommate and the driver!


I hope you all have a great weekend, and tune in next week to learn about water!

Wikiendi njema (have a good/safe weekend),

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